Get involved!
You can help victims.
Do you often hear loud arguments coming from your neighbours’ home, and get the feeling something isn’t right? Have you noticed other signs of domestic violence around you – among friends, family members, colleagues or neighbours? Perhaps a female friend has already come to you to ask for help? We know that it needs courage to get involved in other people’s private problems. Please don’t look the other way. Support the victims.
What should I do?
- Don’t put yourself in danger unnecessarily. In an emergency situation, inform the police (117).
- Only speak to the victim when you meet them alone.
- Take the victim seriously and display understanding, compassion and patience.
The advice centres aren’t just there to support victims. They also offer counselling to relations or bystanders. The counsellors can give you tips and suggest how you can help. Nothing is compulsory; everything is anonymous and free of charge.
Write down what you’ve noticed and what you are concerned about. With online consultation you will receive a detailed answer within 1 to 3 days. You can also use the chat consultation to contact a specialist at the advice centre directly. Both offers run on a protected platform and are confidential and free of charge.
Would you prefer to discuss your concerns in an advice centre? Or do you want come along with the woman concerned to provide support? Just make a telephone appointment. All counselling in our advice centres is also confidential and free of charge. The victim will not be forced to make any decisions.
There are numerous shelters and women’s refuges in Switzerland. Show the victim all the ways they can get help and support. The women’s refuges also have 24-hour hotlines that you – or she – can call for advice.
Reporting to the police can help to protect against violence. The police domestic violence units advise and initiate measures to prevent acts of violence. The specialist units work closely with the regional police forces and the public prosecutor's offices in the canton of Zurich.

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